Smoothie Vegan Protein, Life Care® - Energizer
Net quantity: 150 g
* The prices are in EUR and they contain VAT.
Help the smooth functioning of the metabolism, heart health and improves memory due to the content of cocoa, offering the body the necessary intake of nutrients that moderate levels of blood sugar. Hemp is an important source of Omega 3 and 6, and other essential amino acids, making it easily digestible. A unique recipe straight from nature, excellent for persons with vegan or vegetarian diet, but not only.
A unique combination, 100% natural hemp protein, rice protein, coconut and cocoa, which mixed with banana, avocado or other fruit, transforms into a breakfast, a snack or a colorful and delicious dinner, full of healthy protein for an energetic day. VEGAN PRODUCT
Vegan recipe recommended: For a glass of smoothie mix in the blender one tablespoon of powder (5-6 g) with 200 ml of water or another liquid and fruit (banana, pears, avocados, dates), after preferences.Recommended vegan recipe: mix in blender: a tablespoon of powder (5-6 g), 250 ml coconut milk, 6 dates, one teaspoon of honey, cinnamon laced. Pregnant or lactating women, it is recommended to consult your doctor before consuming the product.You can prepare any recipe, after your own taste and preferences.
Bio protein hemp protein 40%, 30% rice, coconut powder 5%, 10% coconut, bio cocoa powder 15%
NO animal ingredients NOT tested on animals
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16.08.2020, NICOLETTA NEAGU:
Este un produs cu un adevarat efect energizant. Nu mai am nevoie de cafea de cand il consum. Are un gust foarte bun.
04.11.2019, COSTROS IULIAN:
Super produs!
Imi place sa consum Vegan - Protein Smoothie Meal Balance dimineata, pentru ca se face rapid, fara prea mult efort, imi tine de foame mult timp si imi da un impuls de energie care ma ajuta sa-mi incep ziua mai cu spor. Vegan - Protein Smoothie Meal Balance iese intotdeauna bun; nu ma plictisesc de aceasta gustare niciodata...uneori il fac mai cremos, alteori mai lichid , si-l combin fie cu banane, fie cu avocado, pere, nuci, migdale, seminte de chia etc. Acest smoothie delicios si sanatos, cu vitamine si proteine este usor de digerat si recomand cu incredere Vegan - Protein Smoothie Meal Balance!
26.04.2017, MARIAN POPESCU:
E o baza de smoothie foarte satioasa
24.10.2016, MADALINA MAZILU:
Un gust excelent.
24.10.2016, MIHAELA MAXIM:
Pentru o zi plina de energie si minunata folositi vegan-protein smoothie meal balance-energizare!
Am incercat reteta cu seminte de chia din catalog. A iesit un smoothie delicios si tine de foame. Trebuie sa incerc si celelalte retete. :)