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Antioxidant Liquid Food Supplement, from Organic Acai and Black Cherry Juice, Life Care®


Net quantity: 946 ml

  • 49.99 EUR

* The prices are in LEI and they contain TVA.

Take your deduction of 20% for life!
  • cardiovascular support
  • strengthens the immune system
  • reduces cholesterol and decreases blood pressure
  • antioxidant
  • improves blood flow


The Antioxidant Liquid Food Supplement, from Organic Acai and Black Cherry Juice, Life Care® is a complex dietary supplement that contains vitamins, minerals, antioxidants and bioflavonoids, which helps balance the metabolism, improves the cardiovascular and immune system.


The ideal nutritional complex of minerals, vitamins, antioxidants and phytonutrients, bioflavonoids, which help balance your metabolism, strengthen your immune system and regulates the cardiovascular system.


2-6 spoons/day recommended, from 12 years of age. Take preferably during the meals. This dietary supplement is not a medicine and does not replace the specialized treatment recommended by a doctor or the normal diet.


One portion (30 ml) contains: Active ingredients: Acai (Euterpe oleracea) organic tea 3507 mg*, Concentrated black cherry (Prunus serotina) juice 2630 mg*, Organic juice made of apple (Malus domestica) concentrate 1401 mg*, Organic juice made of pear (Pyrus communis) concentrate 1036 mg*, Sea buckthorn (Hippophae rhamnoides) juice 381 mg*, Ascorbic acid 72 mg - 90% of NRV*, Mashed organic raspberries (Rubus idaeus) 193 mg*, Powder made of black cherries (Prunus serotina) 9 mg*, Powder made of Maqui fruit (Aristotelia chilensis) 9 mg*, Powder made of pomegranate fruit (Punica granatum) 9 mg*, Powder made of cranberries (Vaccinium vitis-idaea) 9 mg*, Powder made of blueberries (Punica granatum) 9 mg*, Powder made of red raspberries 9 mg*, Powder made of elderberries (Sambucus nigra ) 9 mg*. Other ingredients: Filtered water 19085 mg, Inverted beet 2415 mg, Acidifying agent- citric acid 234 mg, Preservative - potassium sorbate 72 mg, Pectin 9 mg, Thickening agent - guar gum 9 mg, Average inverted syrup q.s. VNR – Reference nutritional value – acc. EU Regulation 1169/2011 * - VNR is not established Ingredients variation: +/- 10%


NO animal ingredients
NOT tested on animals
Pregnant and breastfeeding woman, or people with sensitivity to any of the ingredients need to get doctors approval before using this product.


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02.03.2022, ATTILA BURJAN:

Egyre sűrűbben éreztem tompa mellkasi nyomást. Szedtem rendesen férfi módjára a különböző vitaminokat, épp amikor eszembe jutott. Rátaláltam erre a csodás italra úgy iszom mind ha szörp lenne. Ráadásul nagyon finom! Inni soha sem felejtek el. Hígítva viszem magammal minden hova. Már a második adagot fogyasztom. Megszűnt a mellkasi nyomás, sokkal jobban érzem magam.


Szív aorta tágulatom van, szívritmus zavar, szívizom gyulladás. Nagyon sokat voltam rosszúl. Négy hónapja iszom az Acait. A második hónap után éreztem, hogy nem fáj mindig a szívem környékén a hátam, nem ver olyan nagyon hevesen, nem érzem a kiugró nagy dobbanásokat. Mindenkinek ajánlani tudom. Életet ment az bíztos. Én minden reggel ezzel kezdem, ezzel is zárom a napot. Nagyon sok betegségem van, ezen kívűl, sok termék van amit tudok ajánlani.

01.04.2021, DORINA POPA:

Acest produs este minunat, are gust placut si da rezultate foarte bune.

10.02.2020, AMALIA TOCA:

Este un supliment nutritiv care aduce un aport benefic inimii, respiratiei, emanand in organism puterea si energia necesara. Mama il foloseste, recomandam.

29.07.2018, ELENA GOLEANU:

Este un produs de exceptie si are si gust placut.


În familia mea folosim acest produs pentru imunitate. Surpriza plăcută cu efecte benefice a fost la mama, diagnosticată cu cancer.

24.10.2016, MADALINA MAZILU:

Rezultatele analizelor mele s-au imbunatatit datorita acestui produs.


Am folosit acest produs, are un gust minunat ! Trigliceridele mi-au scazut si inima imi functioneaza mai bine!

24.01.2014, MONICA HODEA:

e ffffffffff bun


Datorita acestui produs unui prieten de-al meu iau scazut trigliceridele serice de la 400 la 230 intr-o luna si transaminozele in limite normale... iti da energie... scade colesterolul... e foarte bun si pentru inima...


Fiecare ne tratam... cu acest produs am reusit sa-mi reduc de 3 ori intr-o luna transaminazele. Datorita activarii sistemului imunitar organismul si-a revenit si a luptat singur, sau mai bine zis cu ajutorul lui!

08.11.2010, TEODORA CHIFOI:

Un antioxidant puternic, ne ajuta inima sa functioneze mai bine, sangele sa circule mai usor !
Adjuvant in scaderea colesterolului!!!
Nu pregetati sa-l folositi !

03.11.2010, VIOLETA BONTEA:

sistemul imunitar trebuie ajutat folositi acest produs, merita incercat


un suc cu un gust deosebit si un efect terapeutic fara egal!



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